Support NPD Research
Find out how you can support hope for a future of those living with Niemann-Pick disease.
All donations, big or small, are vital to supporting Niemann-Pick research in Australia.
Australian NPC Disease Foundation (ANPDF) collects donations that fund research into Niemann-Pick disease type C in Melbourne. All donations, big or small, are vital to keep this research going. To donate to ANPDF, please click the 'donate' button at the top of the page. Here you will find information about donating online, and about becoming a monthly supporter of NPD research.
Fundraising Events
Fundraisers are a wonderful way to get people together and raise funds for NPD research. If you would like to hold an event and raise money for ANPDF, please see our fundraising page, or get in touch at
A gift in your Will has the power to change the future of niemann-pick disease.
The ANPDF is committed to its vision of a world without NPD. If you share this vision, please consider leaving a gift in your Will to the Australian NPC Disease Foundation and help us work towards a cure for NPD.
A gift in your Will is a simple and effective way to provide support to a cause important to you, and to enable change for future generations. Gifts are critical to ensuring that the Australian NPC Disease Foundation can commit to the continuity of funding needed for significant breakthroughs.
A valid Will allows you to decide how you would like your assets to be distributed. You should seek legal advice from a solicitor or authorised trustee company because it is important your wishes are properly expressed, and that the correct legal wording is used.
For a bequest to Australian NPC Disease Foundation, you might consider the following wording in your will:
"I give (my estate) or (portion/the residue of my estate) or (the sum of $________ ) to the Australian NPC Disease Foundation Inc. (ABN 87 767 010 514) for research into Niemann-Pick disease.  I declare that the receipt of the organisation’s President, Treasurer, Secretary or General Manager shall be sufficient discharge to my trustees."
And remember, you do not have to be wealthy to leave a gift in your Will because every dollar has the power to change the future of NPD. People leave gifts of all sizes. You can be sure that when combined with those of other supporters, your gift will always have an impact, regardless of size. Larger gifts ($50,000 or more) can acknowledge the testator with a named NPD research grant as a tribute.
If you have decided to leave a gift to ANPDF in your Will, please let us know so we can show our appreciation and keep you updated on the latest NPD research findings. Please contact Australian NPC Disease Foundation on 0420 985 510 or via email for information about leaving a gift in your Will.
Useful Resources
For Families
For Clinicians
For Researchers